Do you travel for leisure or fun? Or is it the sights to be seen? Are you a traveler who lives for taking photos to share with others, or scrapbook for your memories? The reason people travel varies, but most people have that one thing they just HAVE to do! Some find that shopping for that unique item in that out-of-the-way shop is the primary goal. Others find their traveling success defined as asking for the best little spot to dine and going there. Collecting a trinket or two to remind you of your trip is a great way to connect with that far off destination, making that far-off land not so far away.
You have a destination, you have a plan, and you even have a detailed itinerary, so what is it you’re really going to do? Extra film. Check. List of local sights. Check. You’ve got all the things you want to do, see, and experience in mind so now it’s all a matter of getting there. The point of all this is to create a lasting memory of your visit, either by sharing it with others or maybe just doing something you have never done before.
So think about that one thing, that activity or experience that gives your trip real meaning to you. It’s really all about making your time worth it, even if doing absolutely nothing is your idea of time well spent! Even if you haven’t thought about it, you probably are already doing it. Look back at your recent trips and see if you have started a collection of photos or keepsakes. Maybe you like buying things to bring back home for friends just to say, I got this for YOU! Again, most people want to make the most of their trip, this may include a special event, or just the gaining the right to be able to say, I’ve been there!