Senior Trip to Israel
Panorama of the Dead Sea (By EvgeniT [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
If you are or someone you know is over 55 and would like to spend a relaxing vacation in Israel, look no further! Here’s a luxury trip to Israel for seniors.
There is absolutely no need to endure party music and beach bars in order to see Israel (unless you want to). For over 40 years, Gil Travel, the experts in traveling to this timeless land, have anticipated every detail of their special Senior Tour of Israel to allow you to relax and drink in the millennia of struggle and splendor around you.

Bachrach44 / Public Domain / Via Wikipedia
In the company of people in the same season of life, you will be whisked VIP-style between Israel’s great attractions, meaning that you and a select group will experience sights like Masada or the Dead Sea with the awe that is only possible when travel is not harried and hectic.
If you are concerned whether two weeks is enough to cover the sites and history in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Caesarea, and the regions in between; rest assured that Gil Travel has included the essentials and more of each destination. The traveler will embark on an incredible journey of Israel, from the establishment of Jerusalem 3000 years ago to the high-tech knowledge economy of the 21st century from the comfort of a well air-conditioned luxury coach.
Does it sound a bit too active for a relaxing vacation?

Flickr / Creative Commons / Via Wikipedia
Everything in the special Senior Tour has been put together in the spirit of calm and comfort. To keep you and your companion rested and ready to see Masada in the early morning, or sunset over the Old City of Jerusalem, all 11 nights of accommodation are in Superior/First Class hotels, with a hearty and heart-healthy Israeli buffet breakfast every morning. Shabbat with an Israeli family is included, as well as an arrival and farewell dinner; for many Gil travelers, this Shabbat with people living the daily reality of the land of Israel is an unforgettable experience. So let Gil Travel take care of the little things like tipping, transfers and airfare while you take it easy and let the sights unfold nice and slow – after all these millennia, where’s the rush?