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A Cheeseburger in Israel


“Foodies” look away! When most younger Americans visit the Holy Land, a taste of home now and again, is most welcome. It pays to know “What’s on the menu” at McDonald’s in

Best Answer – Chosen by Voters

There are two types of McDonald’s Restaurants in Israel. There’s the regular McDonald’s like here in the US with the yellow logos and there’s a Kosher McDonald’s with blue logos. In some shopping malls or airports, the two restaurants exist side by side.In addition to the foods you’ve already mentioned, Regular McDonald’s restaurants in Israel also have the same menu items as McDonald’s restaurants in the USA.

The Kosher McDonald’s would only serve kosher foods, so cheeseburgers or shakes served with burgers or fries (fries are often, but not always, fried in oil containing some beef flavoring) would not be permitted. Dairy & meats are separated. The sausage breakfast burrito, bacon egg & cheese croissant, bacon burgers, sausage egg McMuffin would not be permitted either. Hamburger buns would have to be manufactured without milk products as well.

Israelis are extremely creative. If they have since found a way to serve shakes or cheese that contains no milk products, then such cheeseburgers and shakes would be considered kosher.



Retired police crime scene detective and CEO of a zoo & science museum. I also write a travel blog at:
<img alt=”Photo: CULINARY IN ISRAEL
“Foodies” look away! When most younger Americans visit the Holy Land, a taste of home now and again, is most welcome. It pays to know “What’s on the menu” at McDonald’s in Israel?http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110222120443AAOQ2pl” src=”https://www.giltravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/gg.jpg” width=”200″ height=”196″ data-originalsrc=”http://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/944624_10151657279189118_1129269308_n.png”>

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